If a grown man behaves indecently towards a woman, decent men and women will shun him. If he goes as far as groping, especially in public, and then brags about it, he is a worthless outcast that no decent person wants to be near.

A pathological liar is never taken seriously, while most people will shun a person who can’t be trusted to tell the truth. On background of constant lying, not much coming from the same mouth carries any weight. Neither lying about one’s own accomplishments, nor lying about others is considered acceptable behavior.

Braggers are usually shunned by normal people. If you brag about how good you are in something, you probably aren’t. Quite the opposite is usually true. And if you brag about having passed a memory test so simple that one would only praise a somewhat slow child for making it, – you have put yourself down to that level, regardless of age.

If you lie to avoid the draft, and instead expect someone else to risk life and health, you are not considered a solid, reputable person, and certainly not manly.

Kids properly raised are taught not to call others derogatory names and not to make fun of anyone’s appearance or difficulties, mentally as well as physically.

Neither racists, xenophobics or sexists are considered upstanding role models.

Waving a Bible and pretending to be religious in order to score cheap points in certain circles is beneath contempt among decent people.

Would you put a bankruptcy record breaker in charge of your own business?

Being uninterested in science, or not quite intellectually capable of grasping the concept, may be bad enough, but to brag that you know everything better than experts in any particular field, classifies you as an idiot.

Having someone else take entrance exams to get into a school you are not intellectually fit for, or cheating on tests to get ahead of those better and more honest than yourself, is not someone respected in an educated society, – and certainly not someone you would let picking a secretary of education!

Who would trust someone with either one of such character flaws with your health, life or money? Who in his right mind would put his country in the hands of someone like that, – not to mention someone with all the flaws listed? If burnt once, who would do it again? How would you classify someone so easily duped? Die-hard Republican?

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