We really learned the hard way how incompetent that Republican administration was, led by EC-selected George W. Bush Jr., who ignored signals pending before the disastrous attacks!

First of all, Bush wasted no time firing American students at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies, fluent in Arabic, busy translating intercepted documents later found with 9/11-clues.  Why did Bush fire them? They were gay!

Flight instructors became concerned that Mid-Eastern men’s sole interest was learning how to land our airplanes, no take-off or landing needed! This vital, suspicious info was passed up the ranks, but somehow, mysteriously disappeared before reaching someone who would make sure these guys were tracked.

Actor James Woods reported observing bizarre behavior by Arab-looking guys onboard an American flight he took, busy timing stewardess’ moves. WHY?

And on the morning of 9/11, several young, Arab-looking guys boarded different airplanes at roughly same time, – with box cutters and only one-way tickets to NY and Washington DC!

On 9/11 itself, Bush sat in a classroom, reading for kids! The most important job for the President? Or was he in hiding?

Majority-backed Al Gore, trained as VP  8-years under President Clinton, would likely be more observant, and possibly able to prevent the 9/11-disaster, without attacking other countries, – and subsequently loosing!

If 9/11 had happened anyway, despite Al Gore’s more presidential and responsible leadership, he wouldn’t have attacked Afghanistan and Iraq, – and certainly not because an imaginary voice inside his head had told him to do so, like for superstitious Bush.

Have we had enough damage caused by the Electoral College yet, or are we too slow learners, needing more, – before we let the majority decide? Without benefits, Cost/Benefit-ratio goes infinite!

Think about it!

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