Guest Post: Cabinet message to Donald J. Trump – NY Times

At the next cabinet or staff meeting, when Trump dresses down his staff for not delivering, I hope someone has the courage to say something along the lines of:

“With all due respect to your office, Mr. President, you need to look within to reveal the true source of this administration’s problems. You’re uninformed, undisciplined, petty, and just plain mean. You pitched yourself as a master negotiator, but you’ve proven to be an amateur. It’s been stunning to witness.
You’re a terrible manager, avoiding face-to-face confrontation when it’s needed and making mountains out of molehills on insignificant matters. Public service isn’t all about you, Mr. President. You don’t understand how Washington works, and don’t seem interested in learning. No one likes working for you. And all of us could make more money elsewhere. And by the way: Having “Trump White House” on one’s resume isn’t exactly going to enhance our future career prospects. So by all means, fire us all, Mr. President, and go it alone with a gaggle of yes men who’ll ensure that your all-time low approval ratings will plummet even further.”

With that, the courageous cabinet secretary or staff member would close his or her binder and enjoy an escort from the White House.
Editor’s note: Habitual liar and sexual assaulter should be added for someone who has made his sorry self a laughingstock around the world, as well as an utter embarrassment here at home.

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