Guest post: Reasons for Hope, Anger and Action, by Mike Caggiano

Even a blind squirrel will occasionally find an acorn. That about sums up my explanation of Mr. Trump’s North Korean efforts. Do I hope for some great breakthrough? Of course I do. It is well past time for us to actually sign a peace treaty and nonaggression pact with the North. Regime change efforts and the continued war games played out just below the border need to end. The South needs to have complete sovereignty over who and what is on their land. So who knows – something good may happen. I won’t be critical at all as nothing productive has been attempted for many administrations. I’d say let’s shut up and see how things go. We’re certainly not among some critics taking pot shots at something that’s just getting started.

On the other hand, there is Iran. President “Bone Spur” seems all too happy to consider putting other folks’ kids in harms way. Rather than listen to Saudi royalty and the right-wing Israeli government, he might heed the rest of the planet that thinks the Iran agreement is worthwhile and expand on it rather than cast all of his new found acorns into some else’s fire.

Moving on, our administration is backing the disgusting assault on Hodeida, the main port city in Yemen, putting at risk thousands of desperate Yemenis as well as the international aid workers trying help them. Meanwhile it demands that there be an additional branch of military service to fight future wars in space. Needless to say space weaponry and tactics are already part of the present day Air Force. I’d call his thoughts the ‘Space Farce’. While totally enamored of the scientific research that goes into developing space weaponry, the administration continues to deny the established scientific data regarding the human influences on our warming climate. When a conservative organization like the Catholic Church is calling you out for ignoring science, you’re really behind the eight ball.

Yet it still continues : How about the tearing apart of refugee families at our border while using “biblical” references? We are extremely glad that nearly the entire nation, republicans included, is showing amazing revulsion at the spectacle of screaming children being deprived of their parents in government internment camps. It’s on every new media outlet. Folks like you calling and demonstrating their extreme displeasure is having its effect, and that’s good news.

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