Trump, – dictators’ favorite instrument

A steadily growing majority of Trump resisters must wonder how on flat Earth did we end up with such a dangerous loser occupying the WH? One can hardly find anyone more incompetent, unqualified, uneducated for the job, inept, immoral and untrustworthy. However, no wonder Putin wanted Trump instead of Hillary! Not necessarily because the Russians have so much on him, but clearly because he is so easy to manipulate. Trump has already delivered, perhaps even more than they expected. He has added to both US debt and deficit, – the latter a dramatic turn-around from the reductions President Obama was able to achieve. Trump has already damaged many governmental functions we have spent decades to fine-tune, thereby setting us back and closer to the level of less progressive nations, like Russia, China and North Korea. Trump has worked hard to destroy the mutually beneficial relationships we have had with allies and kissed up to our adversaries, even let himself be publicly fooled and ridiculed due to his naiveté and lack of governmental understanding, not to mention void of foreign experience. Having made himself a laughingstock around the world, Trump has now been taken for a fool by dictators in several countries, playing him like a willing instrument. What a difference in world recognition and international respect from his predecessor!
Trump’s appeal to the less educated, racial bigots and those afraid of their declining social status, is somewhat understandable, – but for his gullible supporters to cheer when he takes our country down, – is, – yeah, more than despicable. Should we call it treason?

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