MAGA: Make America Guess Again

Donald Trump keeps us guessing: what does he really mean? Anything, or nothing? Hard to tell most of the time, the way he keeps vacillating and changing his opinion to the latest input he likes, – and most of the time even misunderstanding what that input was meant to be.
A recent poll shows that 41% find Trump the worst president ever, – which makes us wonder: what on flat Earth is wrong with the other 59%? In the Best President category, President Obama ranks right behind #1, President Lincoln, which ads some credence to this poll.
It takes someone with Trump’s self-aggrandizement to publicly declare himself not only a genius, but a stable one! That’s a classification you would never hear from accomplished intellectuals like Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking or Thomas Alva Edison. As if Trump wasn’t already enough of a laughingstock around the world, he simply couldn’t control himself even among world leaders attending the NATO and EU conferences. Has the man absolutely no shame, – or did Putin or Kim Jung Un tell him what a fantastic scholar he is, – just to hang him out further? So easily fooled!
And, of course, a war veteran and respected senator like John McCain, wouldn’t want a rotten-to-the core liar like Trump to speak at his funeral!

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Al Ward
Al Ward
6 years ago

One of the great frustrations of being an old guy is knowing that I won’t live long enough to find out how the people and events of the first quarter of the 21st century will turn out in the history books.
I’m old enough to remember when Franklin D Roosevelt was considered by the public to be at the very tip top of the list of great presidents, and later it was John F Kennedy.
Now it’s Barack H Obama.
It is inevitable that the “top president” in the mind of the public alters with time and the flow of popular culture.

I wonder if the day will ever come when that great Republican, Abraham Lincoln will ever lose the top spot. If so, it could only be to George Washington.

No doubt, Obama will ALWAYS be prominent in future history books, but ONLY because he was the first black man elected to POTUS.

Obama’s election was downright AMAZING when you consider that 82 years before he was elected, a parade of more than 30,000 white supremacists in KKK robes marched down Pennsylvania Ave.
It is certainly gratifying how race relations in the nation have progressed, and Obama is proof of that.

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