“Idiot America?”

I found a recent column in the San Mateo Daily Journal, “Idiot America?” right on the money. However, our embarrassing governmental mess should be no surprise with a Dunning-Kruger poster toddler in the White House! That invasion required gullible and easily fooled voters, some short-sighted self interests, many blinded by a bible-waiving candidate, as well as hitherto unknown outside help. Then, more of the same to keep Donald Trump in an office he was neither qualified, nor sufficiently decent, trustworthy and presidential to hold. It is embarrassing to read European newspapers these days, where the heading above appears in different languages, – except followed by a solid exclamation mark, instead of a cautious question mark. Their comments are in sharp contrast to how President Obama was described and respected as a true statesman and someone who restored our reputation after the previous Electoral College selected, incompetent WH inhabitant. When will we learn from our mistakes? When will we get a hoax like religion out of politics, education and science? Ever?

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Al Ward
Al Ward
6 years ago

Too, too bad that you are embarrassed to read European newspapers. I’m so, so sorry.
It doesn’t embarrass me.
It annoys me.
Anti-Trump press and anti-trump demonstrations in Europe probably embarrass thoughtful Europeans.

Trump was narrowly elected by the American people, as many presidents are narrowly elected.
He is POTUS, and it is expected that some Americans are sore losers. That’s the American way.
AND that’s America’s business.

Don’t you wonder what those papers would be printing now?
What demonstrations would be allowed now?
If “Idiot America” had chosen to do nothing more than go squash Japan like a bug following Dec.7, 1941?

What if “Idiot America” had just continued to ignore those unpleasant Nazi goings-on in Europe?
History shows that without American material aide to Stalin and without direct American intervention in the European war, the Nazis would have rolled up all of Europe… permanently!

I’m sure that those shallow minded European editors and demonstrators don’t give a thought to the fact that RESPECT IS OWED TO AMERICA despite what they may think of the current turmoil in American politics.

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