It has been established beyond any shadow of doubt, that Donald Trump is a liar, an uninvited groper of women, a tax avoider, a mocker of war heroes and the handicapped, a hater of people with different skin color, religion and ethnicity, several times bankrupt and three times married, – so far. He has cheated employees, banks, investors, and students at his fake Trump “university”.
In other words, the exact opposite of what Christians would consider a good, considerate, honest, morally upright, humble and decent citizen, respectful of family values and a promoter of good will. Especially the so-called evangelicals would be very strict and rather picky before they support someone running for office. One would think …
Trump, however, knew better! He didn’t have to, nor did he bother to live up to the evangelical ideal in order to gather their support. All he had to do, was to wave a Bible and declare it a better book than even his own! How modest, – and how shrewd! The evangelicals immediately flocked to Trumpy and supported him in the presidential election, big time. That’s all it took! Nothing he had done, nothing about his behavior, not even his blatant immorality, mattered anymore. Not even his sexual assaults mattered.
All it took to fool the gullible, evangelical masses, was a Bible wave! And a Bible, of all things, – a collection of impossible made-up stories, created by ancient people trying to outdo each other with scary stories, – stories that would make any freethinking individual understand are made up. The only really scary part, is that those stories very likely changed the results of the election, giving the highest and most important office in the world to someone not only uniquely unqualified, but so dishonest that he would stoop low enough to use the old and tired bible-waving trick! That such a cheap trick still works in a modern society, is really very, very scary!
So, among gullible Christians, Bible-waving trumps all behavior, – so to speak.

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Al Ward
Al Ward
5 years ago

Aww, Jorg. C’mon, go ahead…tell us how you REALLY feel about Trump.

You make it clear that you REALLY don’t know what it is that got him elected.
Odd, since have explained it to you in the past on your blog.

Al Ward
Al Ward
5 years ago

It was not by bible-waving or voter suppression that Trump defeated sixteen or seventeen rivals in the primaries to become the Republican contender for President.
Then in Nov.2016, instead of rioting in the streets in yellow vests, smashing storefronts, the people, through the Electoral College, elected Trump POTUS.

Al Ward
Al Ward
5 years ago

Trump’s success in the primaries had little or nothing to do with presidential potential. It had everything to do with cheering on a newfound, self-proclaimed champion of the people who was bulldozing establishment politicians.
He was deliberately non-PC, brash, spouting insults and lies, but also truths that the establishment dares not to utter.
It was refreshing!
His voters all knew that it was largely BS, did not care about, or ignored his shabby reputation and crude methods.
The voters were fed up with the Washington swamp and the smooth polished words of the swamp creatures. With the voters approval, he gutted the Republican establishment.

Ditto his success re Hillary.

The meaning of my last sentence is that Trump was elected by fed-up, angry people.

Al Ward
Al Ward
5 years ago

Yes, look what we ended up with!
But it could have been worse.
When the people rebelled in 18th century France, they got The Terror.

Al Ward
Al Ward
5 years ago

The aftermath of a revolution is sometimes ugly.
That is why I mentioned The Terror in France as a possible worse outcome.

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