Guest Post: Trumpistan and Republistan (by Socrates, reader comment in NY Times, March 2, 2019)

Those who witnessed Donald Trump’s behavior in the 1980’s, 1990’s and 2000’s knew he was trailer park refuse a long time. He hasn’t changed his trashy ways. And his gold-covered trailers, hotels and planes never fooled us. But the fraudulent American heartland and the antediluvian Bible Belt – as well as the psychotically greedy – simply can’t get enough of this lying sack of Velveeta cheese soaked in pure Extra Virgin Snake Oil. Trumpistan and Republistan are in a race to the bottom, and they are in it to win it ! The Michael Cohen testimony is not something they’re interested in, nor will they be interested in the Mueller report of high crimes and misdemeanors either. But the Michael Cohen testimony and the Robert Mueller report are both important because they reconfirm the suspicion that our Caligula-In-Chief does not meet the job requirements of the American Presidency on several hundred different levels. Fortunately, there are many independent voters in this country – and a few million ashamed Republicans – who are starting to sense that Daycare Donnie is in fact the world’s biggest dirty diaper, something most Americans already knew back in 2016. Michael Cohen was not a perfect witness, but he was believable, which is something no one would ever say about Donald Trump, unless you were a member of his Jonestown Republican cult, or you were Sarah Huckabee Sanders applying the ashes of burnt facts to get that perfect smoky eye look. Time to take out the Trump Trash.

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