Every competent President would have:

1) Listened to his Intelligence briefings and advisors in 2019 when told of the Coronavirus threat.

2) Would’ve formed a task force of every available government agencies, personnel, resources and funding source, to prepare and protect our country, including stockpiling needed medical supplies and test kits.

3) Would’ve formed a government Command Center to control and coordinate the procurement, warehousing, and distribution of the needed medical supplies and test kits.

4) Would have utilized the task force to coordinate the U.S. effort to research and develop a vaccine for the coronavirus.

5) Would have partnered with the WHO (World Health Organization) and other countries to share research and testing information for a vaccine.

6) Would’ve established a fully staffed CDC (Center for Disease Control) where it would be the main government center for information, warnings, recommendations, and statistics of deaths and cases of sickness and hospitalizations.

7) Would have lead the country and the world by example, and instilled confidence, trust and honesty.

8) Would have used and built on any experience and advice handed off from previous administrations.

Instead, Trump:

1) Ignored his Intelligence briefings and advisors in 2019 and told them he knows more than they do.

2) Doesn’t do anything for months and months, claiming the coronavirus is a hoax, a Democratic hoax.

3) Tries to take charge of the supply chain system himself, then sends medical supplies to states that voted for him first, leaving many states to acquire medical supplies and test kits on their own.

4) Has never started the U.S. government agencies on development of a vaccine, instead, he’s waiting for the private sector to come up with it.

5) He blames the WHO and other countries for the spread of the coronavirus.  He withdraws the U.S. from the WHO and doesn’t communicate with other countries on the fight against the Covid-19.

6) He still hasn’t fully staffed the CDC.  Instead, he back-stabs and discredits Dr. Fauci, the leading scientist and government spokesman.

7) He has created a symbol of ignorance, distrust, lies, blaming others, division, fear, panic, frustration and anger.

8) Trump completely ignored the guidelines, experience and advice handed down by the Obama administration, including a detailed manual of how to handle future pandemics!

Trump is the reason why the coronavirus pandemic is going to last longer than it has to, and, he is the reason why the pandemic is worse than it had to be.

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