How on flat Earth could anyone with a fiber of intellect believe that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump, – just because this habitual liar claimed so, – months before? How would Trump know, without a shred of evidence, and despite over 60 unsuccessful lawsuits, – that he had won, – with a “landslide”? Without presidential protection, Trump knows what is coming his way in terms of serious lawsuits, – which explains his desperate attempts at proving he won another 4 years of undeserved protection.

As if it wasn’t bad enough that some 74 million showed such low respect for the highest and most important office in the world, that they would elect someone as unqualified as Trump, – especially after he had spent 4 years exposing how inept and incompetent he was, – while making himself a laughingstock around the world and an embarrassment for the country! If anything, with a liar and cheater like Trump as a role model, it would be more logical that the votes for him were inflated, while the votes for his opponent without question were deflated due to the usual Republican voter suppression, making it virtually impossible for many to exercise their constitutional rights. Trump got away with murder, literally, – at least so far!

Finally, I’ll remind the math challenged, that despite what the shamelessly boasting Trump claims, 57>43!

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Al Ward
Al Ward
3 years ago

You KNOW I can’t resist commenting on this one!
Trump’s oversized ego wouldn’t allow him to accept electoral defeat, especially since he got more votes than any Republican in history.
The resulting Constitutionally protected Trump bombast inspired the nut-cake Extreme Right to take up armed action to protect their “cheated” president, and thereby the nation.
Any thinking person knows that the armed invasion of the Capitol was the direct result of what Trump had told his followers over the preceding month.
It is very likely that someone will take citizen Trump to court, and charge him with instigating mayhem and murder, or at least manslaughter.
Maybe he’ll go to jail!
If failure to take reasonable and timely steps to the end the riot can be turned into a criminal offense of Dereliction of Duty, I think Donald Trump will eventually be a prison inmate.
But that is a high hurdle, given that politicians have stronger protection than other citizens under the First Amendment.
We’ll see.

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