This bill addresses much needed voter access, election integrity, election security, political spending, and ethics for the three branches of government. Specifically, the bill expands voter registration and voting access and limits removing voters from voter rolls.

If voting was made easier, roadblocks removed, and all eligible voters secured equal opportunity to exercise their constitutional rights, – it would be much harder for Republicans to get into controlling positions, – like what even a Republican attorney recently admitted to the Supreme Court. Think about how good that would be for the country! We would have a much better chance of putting real leaders like President Obama into the most powerful position in the world, while avoiding total misfits, like inept, unpresidential and incompetent Trump. Likewise, for the House and the Senate, more qualified, more honest and less selfish members would make it much more possible for the country to reach its tremendous potential and becoming a more respected and admired model for the rest of the world, rather than mindlessly setting us back compared to the more progressive nations.

At the latest count, 43 states have adopted 253 voter suppression bills! The reason is obvious, yet dishonest and unconstitutional. And for the Trump’s big lie about the election stolen from him, isn’t it enough that the constantly lying Trump says so, for us to realize it ain’t so, – which has actually been proven over and over again? Why don’t we grow up and become a democracy, like the Founding Fathers intended?!

Or, would that mean too much socialized equality?

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