Sanity practiced the Republican way

So much has been written about Republican insanity, that I think some token support is in place. After all, there is some rhyme or reason after all in what looks like complete chaos.

First of all, with self-preservation as not only the main, but only goal, why wouldn’t Republicans work hard on making it as difficult as possible for opposing voters to exercise their constitutional rights? If everybody votes, Republican party will be left hanging powerless and slowly dying out.

And why on Earth wouldn’t Republicans resist a thorough investigation of the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection? Obviously planned nationwide, and egged on and encouraged by then President Trump himself, exposure of the instigators and those actively involved, would be too much of not only an embarrassment, but a self-destructive revelation.

Despite the obvious lie behind Trump’s claim of a rigged election and that he actually won by a landslide, is so silly and shallow that his supporters simply had to support this groundless allegation, to give it a shade of support, instead of hanging out their leader as the fantasy monger and uneducated conspiracy theorist the majority knows he is. Going along with Trump’s science denying is also a must for Republicans, not the least to avoid exposing their leader as the certified ignoramus he obviously is.

Finally, why wouldn’t Republicans do their very best to prevent Democrats from doing their very best for the nation? After all, the Republican administrations before and after President Obama really messed things up! Big time! With Obama’s presidency, and now President Biden off to a good start, the difference is not only obvious, but utterly embarrassing. The world is noticing and commenting, so it is kind of understanding that the Republicans try to do their best to hold the Democrats back from even more embarrassing successes, – beyond just cleaning up the horrible mess after the previous Republican administrations! After all, self-preservation is not only the top goal for Republicans, but the only objective! And, fortunately for them, there are enough easily fooled people to be duped into voting for them, – again and again, against common sense, – not to mention what is good for the country!

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