After 20 years of bloodshed and problems, we are trying to get out of the Middle East conflicts we foolishly got into two decades ago. But why did we get involved in the first place?

Then President George W. Bush pointed to his faith as the reason for embarking on war: “I am driven with a mission from God. God told me, ‘George, go and fight these terrorists in Afghanistan’. And I did. And then God would tell me, ‘George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq.’ And I did.” Indeed, he did, backed by lies about Iraq’s non-existing WMDs and the need to get Osama bin Laden, which he soon lost interest in, leaving it to President Obama to get that terrorist.

While former President George W. Bush naively sought advice from a made-up father figure way up high, Donald Trump appealed directly to the evangelicals, faking religious devotion. Didn’t we see the horrible results of that devotion?! This is clearly not in the best interest of the country, – something the Founding Fathers understood too well. So, why have we slipped backwards, while becoming the laughingstock among the more progressive, secular countries in the modern world?

George Bush was handed the presidency by a Supreme Court 5/4 decision, while Republican Justice Sandra Day O’Connor later regretted casting the swing vote.  Al Gore won the popular vote, while Bush barely squeezed by with 271 Electoral votes.  Could Ralph Nader, with 2.74% of the votes, have made a difference by staying out?

No republican in recent history has won the presidency without the Electoral College! What has the outdated EC cost the nation, and the rest of the world, instead of letting the wiser and not so easily fooled majority of voters prevail?

How arbitrary can we let presidential elections be?  Have we learned anything at all?  There are even some who want Trump for a second term, as if he didn’t do enough damage in his first! And him winning in a landslide? What nonsense! We don’t have that many foolish voters, – isn’t 74 million enough? All! polls showed that Trump was losing badly, something his closest advisers told him beforehand

Finally, – a very radical idea:

What if Republicans worked with Democrats, instead of putting up compact resistance against anything they try to do, even projects Republicans used to be in favor of.  Instead, Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell declared when both Obama and Biden were inaugurated, that his primary and overwhelming object was to prevent them from accomplishing anything, no matter what! That’s patriotism and looking out for the country? No, that borders on treason!

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