Sadly, – YES! And relatively simply. A huge, red flag should have been raised when young Muslims signed up at American flight schools, wanting to learn to fly commercial airplanes, with no interest in take-off or landing, just flying while already airborne. Were they asked why? Allegedly, some flight instructors became suspicious and reported it, reports that somehow disappeared on their way up the command channel Why?

These guys should have been tracked, and when they showed up to board 4 different American aircrafts at roughly the same time the morning of 9/11/2001, with only one-way tickets, very red flags should have been raised. For starters, their carry-on luggage should have been thoroughly searched, during which box cutters should have been found. What did they need box cutters for? They should have been taken aside for interrogation, and certainly not let onboard with knives!

And especially because they were Muslims coming from the Mid-East, they should have been scrutinized. The World Trade Center had already been attacked, from the ground in 1993, by Muslims.  It shouldn’t be so hard to realize that they would try again, but how? Not from the ground again, but from the air! And what could be more convenient than to highjack commercial airliners, which they already had learned to fly, – if someone else took off.  Using airplanes as bombs, is nothing new. The Japanese used their own planes very successfully as bombs during WWII!

And the Quran should have been studied by authorities, revealing that this is certainly not a book of love and peace, as claimed. Quite the opposite, a murder manual, where Islam-infested suicide murderers are promised virgins on the other side.

Why wasn’t that done? Why weren’t the dots connected? That shouldn’t be too many dots to connect! It is not only mind boggling what could have been saved and avoided by a relatively small, common sense effort. It is frightening.

What has been done to prevent future disasters like 9/11? Have we learned anything at all? Why are we so easy to fool? The 9/11 high jackers must have laughed at how easy it was!

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Al Ward
Al Ward
3 years ago

This post of yours has a lot of shoulduvs and whys.
The whys were answered within a few years of 9-11-21, and the answers were: bureaucracy and human nature.

All civilizations require bureaucracies to function.
When established, a bureaucracy serves the function for which it was established, and because of human nature, it also functions to serve the bureaucrats.

At the lower levels, hard working, often courageous worker bees (soldiers, social workers, etc.) strive to serve the function for which the bureaucracy was established.
The others, drones, strive to do nothing more than collect a paycheck, which is an acute endemic problem when the drones are unionized.
At the upper levels, self-serving bureaucrats strive to expand the size, power and influence of the bureaucracy.
In government bureaucracies the topmost bureaucrats are primarily politically driven with token regard for the bureaucracy’s original purpose.

It was clearly shown that the failures leading up to 9-11-01 were the result of inter-bureaucracy rivalries between the CIA, military Intelligence, FBI, etc.
The Department of Homeland Security was established to overcome this problem.
Unfortunately, despite DHS, political considerations at the very top of the military, State Dept.,CIA, etc. led to the colossal strategic and foreign policy disaster of the US scurrying from Afghanistan, under the cover of night, with its tail between its legs.
Our enemies are laughing and licking their chops.
Our NATO allies are furious for the betrayal, cringing in embarrassment for us, and seriously questioning our alliances.

The”War on Terror” is a misnomer because what the US and NATO military have been doing for the past 20 years is pest control.
The vermin have been suppressed and batches exterminated, but never comprehensively defeated…like cockroaches.

If first Trump, and then Biden had had the stern stuff of real national leadership in their spine, we’d have continued the successful vermin control, instead of bending to the fickle winds of public opinion.
For the past year an a half, by using a couple of secure airfields and other outposts to prop up the Afghan military, the Taliban were held back with no loss of US/NATO lives.

Biden, Milley, and Blinken, all cowardly politicians, are crowing about the amazingly successful evacuation of 140,000, to try to mask their failure.
In fact, the evacuation was successful because of the amazing personnel and equipment of the Airlift Command, which was able to overcome the nearly impossible circumstances in which they were deliberately placed by Biden’s incredibly bad judgement.

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