Yes, it had to happen, sooner or later, that someone would come forward with a clear case of voter fraud, and then be paid for it! And no real surprise that the fraud was committed by a Republican, like so many of the few cases that have been found. Like what often tends to be the case, the ones who claim wrongdoing by others, are often guilty of it themselves, – especially Republicans. The voter fraud nonsense has been kicked around now since the last election, kept alive by Trump, who isn’t adult enough to admit a defeat. Losing the election shouldn’t have been too much of a surprise, since that’s what the polls showed, and what his closest associates had been telling him all along. Besides, why would enough voters be dumb enough, and so unpatriotic, that they would re-elect a totally incompetent and misplaced WH occupant that had done so much damage already?

And, especially when a habitual liar like Donald Trump claims extensive voter fraud, without a shred of evidence, and debunked by dozens of his empty lawsuits, anyone with an iota of intellect, would know that it is just another blatant lie!

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