The Grand Old Party used to be the party of patriotism, moral values, family, faithful citizenship, law and order, and cooperation towards common goals.

Now, many, including an increasing number of Republicans, consider members of the party dishonest, untrustworthy, shallow, unpatriotic and a threat to progress and world peace. Has it become too costly and too risky to leave the country to Republican administrations? I can’t believe why even more Republicans haven’t reacted in disgust and left the party after what has been done in their name over the last 20 years.

George W. Bush’s “win” in 2000 was questionable, at least, with the Supreme Court helping him into office. Bush ignored Clinton’s warning and all the handwriting on the wall and let preventable 9/11 happen. Why did he fire American students at the Monterey Institute of International Studies, fluent in Arabic and busy translating intercepted documents with clues to 9/11, – just because they were gay? Under his administration, we lost track of the Middle-East men taking commercial flight lessons, with no interest in takeoff or landing. He started an unnecessary war in Afghanistan and lied us into war with Iraq, upsetting Iraq – Iran balance. He quickly lost interest in Osama bin Laden, which President Obama had to track down and got rid of.

The day Obama was inaugurated, Republican leader McConnell declared that their #1 job was to prevent the new president from getting anything done, no matter how much they might have favored same programs before! Same statement when Biden was inaugurated. Even Biden’s infrastructure bill most of Republicans voted against, while they were all for it under Trump, who wasn’t able to get it done, despite bragging about that and his 5-word memory for years!

As if Bush hadn’t been bad enough for the country, they got Trump into the WH, – despite his pu**y grabbing and despicable persona, poor education, no political experience, multiple bankruptcies, etc. He was preferred instead of Hillary Clinton, who had proven herself with a much more applicable background, – all thanks to the Electoral College, which also got us Bush. President Obama was big enough to pick his closest competitor for a very important position, – despite her e-mails!

And if Trump’s 4 years weren’t bad enough, they wanted him reelected and went along with the lie of rigged election and widespread fraud. Many still do, including the liar himself. How on flat Earth could anyone with a fiber of intellect believe that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump, – just because this habitual liar claimed so, – months before? How would Trump know, without a shred of evidence, and despite over 60 unsuccessful lawsuits, – that he had won, – with a “landslide”? Without presidential protection, Trump knows what is coming his way in terms of serious lawsuits, – which explains his desperate attempts at proving he won another 4 years of undeserved protection.

And now, the red states try to make it as difficult as possible for masses of people to exercise their constitutional rights! As Republicans become less and less successful, with the last two Republican administrations making such a sorry mockery out of the US presidency, they now resort to compact obstructionism.

Then we have the anti-science, climate change denial, conspiracy theories, anti vax and mask issues, abortion, racism, CRT, QAnon, Xenophobia, fake religion, firearm obsession, mail tampering, JFKjr reappearance and all the lying and made-up stories, – including denying school massacres, Holocaust, 9/11, and other events with an abundance of evidence, not to mention the constant digging for dirt on the opposition and their relatives, and tossing around scary words like socialism and communism, without having the faintest idea of contemporary meaning. Republicans cheer when Biden makes a gaffe, while Democrats would squirm with embarrassment on behalf of the nation whenever Trump dumbed himself out internationally.

And let’s not forget the utterly stupid statements by congressional Republicans, the denial of the Jan. 6 insurrection, the crooks, criminals and incompetents that Trump surrounded himself with, and his pardoning of the worst among them. And to top it off, Republicans habitually refuse even to lift the debt ceiling to enable the country to pay a debt mainly acquired by themselves, the past two Republican administrations! Not only childish and vicious, but detrimental to the country and all those dependent upon Government’s ability to honor its obligations, not to mention what it does to our world respect!

How much better off we all could have been without reckless Republicans, – or at least Congressional Republicans working with the Democrats. – for the good of the country! We used to be a model for the world!

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