Having serious concerns himself, and being told by his closest advisors, as well as discouraging poll numbers, incumbent Trump must have known he would lose, and that he didn’t have many options.

First of all, accepting defeat, with his very fragile ego, was contrary to his nature and totally out of question.

Knowing the deep legal troubles he would be in without presidential protection, what was the only remaining option he had? Start early, planting the idea that the election was rigged against him, and keep supporting that big lie, trusting that there would be enough uneducated and malinformed supporters gullible enough to believe the lie, and enough Republicans dishonest enough to support it. On that, he was right, – for a change!

This big lie was even supported by the claim that foreign interests might be involved. But if so, it defies all logic that those would be in favor of a Democrat! If any foreign adversary intended to take advantage of us, Trump with be their obvious choice for support, – so easily fooled, and so easy to manipulate, which Putin already had demonstrated, – to our utter embarrassment. And, the few individual domestic frauds found, were Republicans voting for dead relatives!

And now, Trump has publicly admitted that his objective was to overturn the election, meaning change the outcome of an election that he lost! He finally admitted it, – ever so inadvertently.

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Ray Fowler
Ray Fowler
2 years ago

Hello, Jorg
Joe Biden has accomplished very little in his first year in office. Crime and inflation have been allowed to rise. The border remains unsecured. The debacle in Afghanistan continues to reverberate. The pandemic has been mismanaged, and Joe’s own party is now criticizing his lack of effective leadership. A CNN survey reported that 56% of Americans feel they have not received anything beneficial from Joe and 58% disapprove of the job he is doing. A Pew Research survey showed that 80% of Americans feel Joe will not be successful as president. Given those numbers, it looks like Joe has accomplished very little in his first year in office.

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