Abortion rights = personal freedom

There is a simple solution to the issue of abortion: If you’re against it, don’t do it!

The vast majority of women are for abortion rights, a personal freedom that should not be controlled by a religious, male dominated minority, nor by the states.

And now, after almost half-a-century, Republicans are trying to get their most important objective passed, using a minority supported Supreme Court, including the Trump-selected who lied their way in, to deny women the right to control their own body! What a sick obsession with women’s bodies and their right to self-control! Not even little girls, impregnated by relatives, religious “leaders” or others, should be allowed abortions, as if being raped wasn’t bad enough.

The sex-obsessed religious nuts won’t be satisfied until all forms of contraception are banned, and Coitus Interruptus classified as a crime with severe punishment!

This is an issue too important to be left to the states to decide. It is a humanistic life concern with wide reaching implications. Let’s leave all the wrongs done to the dark ages, and not go back. Once men are out of the risk of being mutilated after birth and in control of their own bodies, women deserve the same right. And, let’s not forget, that in addition to all the more or less recognized rapes, there’s a lot of “rapes” taking place within the confines of marriage, where wives are being misused. And they should be punished with the additional burden of carrying an unwanted child to terms? Happens all the time!

Justice Alito proclaimed that there is no mentioning of abortion rights in the US Constitution! Any other women’s rights mentioned in that male-based document? Any?

For the sake of the country, let’s hope that this idea backfires on the perverts who initiated it.

Finally, the most likely source for the “leak”, is Ginny Thomas, who may very well have gotten the draft from her not-so-very-bright husband, the misplaced Justice Clarence Thomas.

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