Most mass killings over the last couple of decades were carried out by loonies under 21, who purchased assault weapons legally! Why does anyone, regardless of age, need a military weapon meant to kill as many as quickly as possible? Such weapons are not meant for hunting or target shooting, and not even safe for home protection. The last 18-year old shooter, who murdered 19 little kids and two teachers at Robb Elementary School, even bought 7×30 magazines of very damaging bullets! For what? Not even that raised a question by the gun store!

Then, on top of this heart breaking tragedy, we have the outright stupid ideas of arming teachers, as if their job isn’t already hard enough. Some don’t even grasp the difference between a knife and assault weapon, while prayer as usual is presented as the ultimate solution. As if their made-up “good god” way up high, arranged the massacre as a reminder that they must pray harder and more often!

Well, at least Republicans can be proud that because of the NRA, we have the best equipped killers in the world! Bar none! The thought of having any weapon taken away from them, makes them act like little kids when toys are taken away for misbehaving.

Why on flat Earth wasn’t anything done after the previous massacre in Buffalo, where another 18-year old idiot killed 10 people? If at least the age limit had been raised to 21 then, the last massacre could have been avoided. Still, nothing has been done, while Republican gun nuts keep diverting the issue by talking about mental health care, hardening schools, arming teachers, – and improved gun training, – so that assassins won’t miss so much? Insanity run amok!

Why wasn’t a nationwide emergency moratorium on all gun sales, or at least an increase of the age limit to 21 years, established right after the Buffalo massacre? That could have saved the lives of 19 innocent little kids and 2 dedicated teachers, in addition to many others injured at the Robb Elementary School in Texas. Can anyone offer a good reason why not?

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