Much has been written about the dumbing down of America phenomenon over the last several decades. I read one of the original books on the subject almost 50 years ago. Since then, it has gone progressively downwards, especially over the last 20 years. So, one of the questions must be: How incredibly dumb do you have to be to:

Believe lying Trump’s Big Lie about a stolen election, against all evidence to the contrary?

Believe that foreign adversaries would rig the election against Trump, instead of for someone so easy to fool and manipulate?

Believe that Trump was one of the best presidents we have ever had, while President Obama was the worst?

Believe someone like Alex Jones, with his utterly stupid conspiracy theories, including the cruel lie that the Sandy Hook school massacre was a staged hoax?

Believe that the Republican party has anything to offer for the benefit of the country at large, and people in general?

Believe that the country is safer with assault weapons made available for civilians?

Believe that mankind is not a major contributor to climate change?

Believe that Fox News is informative, and Republican politicians honest and well informed and educated?

Believe that Republicans’ compact opposition to IRA and other Democratic programs, like Social Security, Medicare, and Obamacare, has anything to do with facts and social concerns, instead of everything to do with opposing anything and everything in their best effort to prevent Democrats from succeeding?

Believe that the Electoral College is beneficial for the country as a whole?

Believe that a Supreme Court infested with religion, is good for the country?

Believe that the Jan. 6 insurrection was just a bunch of tourists or a lawful expression of political disconnect, and that Trump had nothing to do with it?

Believe that the Jan. 6 Commission is off to nothing good and should be prevented from exposing the truth behind the insurrection?

Believe that after 2 disastrous Republican administrations over the last 20 years, Republicans will do better next time they get into such a position?

Believe that Republicans’ abortion fight has anything to do with saving unborn lives, rather than a frantic power struggle of a cult that has nothing else to offer, using religion to fool their followers?

Believe that the Republicans’ voter suppression programs have anything to do with election security, instead of preventing more likely Democratic voters from exercising their constitutional rights?

Believe that you should continue to give money to evangelical preachers promoting superstition, while they take their naive contributors for fools?

Believe that Republicans know what’s in the best interest of the country, while they don’t even seem to understand what’s in their own best interest, proven by their blind support for the last two Republican administrations.

Believe that we as a nation are better served by Republican administrations than by Democratic?

Blog subscribers: What do you think about the trend? Anything I left out? Looking forward to your comments.

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