The religionization of the Supreme Court

From the Sept. 2022 issue of “Freethought Today”

Has the dumbing down of America reached the bottom yet, or what? Several books have been written about the dumbing down of the country, especially over the last 40-50 years, showing educational decline and growing disrespect for science and math, both in schools and among the general population.
The election of Donald Trump to the presidency made us hit rock bottom, where the evangelicals flocked like sheep behind him and brought him into the most important office in the world. He didn’t know or understand much, but he was shrewd enough to wave the bible to fool the ignorant masses.
Among the numerous decisions made during Trump’s minority-supported reign was loading the Supreme
Court with even more religiously infested justices than ever before, with devastating, lasting effects. So far, we may only have seen the tip of a very scary iceberg, where the court stripped women of their most basic right — self-control over their very own body! What more of a human right violation can that be?
What happened to the First Amendment about freedom of religion?
Doesn’t that mean that no one, and certainly not a justice on the Supreme Court, has a right to impress their own religious hang-ups on others? With so many Catholics already on the court, more of the same kind was the last thing we needed. The last three even lied their way through the nomination
proceedings, while one position was simply stolen right under President Obama.
And, finally, there is a very simple solution to the abortion issue: If you are against abortion, just don’t have one yourself!

Jorg Aadahl

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