The outdated, archaic, and now unnecessary Electoral College survived selection of George W. Bush, despite missed 9/11 clues, stem cell defunding, and lies to get us into unwinnable, unnecessary wars we still suffer from, and pay for in many ways.

Then came the 2016 election, where another Republican was EC-minority selected, and very likely somehow assisted by foreign adversaries who saw value in an easily manipulated conman in the WH.  FBI chief Comey’s last-minute announcement about Hillary’s e-mails, was stupid and out of the ordinary so close to an election, but wouldn’t have been so harmful if it hadn’t been for the EC!

The majority feared the worst, but who could imagine the damage Donald J. Trump would cause, damage we may not have seen more than the proverbial iceberg tip of so far, unraveling daily.  Just Trump’s bragging about being a p-grabber turned decent people off and made us wonder what Russia may have had on him.  Not even poor education, multiple bankruptcies, lying, cheating and rumors about sexual assaults were unpalatable for Evangelicals.  Surrounding himself with incompetents and criminals weren’t too much for those who wanted this con artist for a second term, – not even after Trump turned QAnon sympathizer!

Trump still has diehard supporters after having stolen the most secret governmental documents, claiming they were his, and so unsecured that we fear who else has access to them.  Declassifying top secret documents by waving his hand, is beyond stupidity, and so was declaring Putin a genius for attacking Ukraine. What about dozens of empty folders marked “Top Secret”?

Who in his right mind can justify US presidents selected by an easily misled minority after what we have seen? The Electoral College has been way too costly! Abandon it before we get another traitor in the WH. What else would it take to get rid of the EC? Hasn’t it been bad enough? I’m sure Trump voters with a smidgen of conscience are ashamed of themselves after what we have seen, and which not even the majority could foresee.

PROBLEM: Republicans are installing all kinds of suppressive obstacles to make it hard or impossible to vote for many of those who know better.

SOLUTION: Eliminate the Electoral College to make less influential, those who do not know better.

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