“Dear Editor & Beyond” Upgraded & expanded

Dear Blog Subscribers!

Thank you for your very encouraging feedback, and to all of you who have already purchased the book

I have just uploaded an expanded edition, with some 40 additional pages, and a structure that makes it easier to navigate.

It is available on www.Amazon.com  as paperback, of which you can open and read the first few pages.

It is selling briskly in several countries, getting rave reviews. Here are a couple of early ones:

Dorothy Dimitré (Former San Mateo Daily Journal columnist):

Jorg Aadahl is a man of prolific opinions. For some time he has submitted his beliefs on a variety of controversial subjects related to the events of the day to the editors of various newspapers and other publications – mostly in the Bay Area. Since Jorg is not a man of few words, he has gathered his contributions, plus supplementary comments from others (both complementary and otherwise) into a challenging Ebook, “Dear Editor”. From politics, to religion, to economics, to circumcision and crossing guards, Jorg never minces words – laying it out there for all of us to peruse and debate. His intelligence, his extensive knowledge, adeptness with words, and his distaste for ultra conservatism all contribute to much interesting and provocative reading. He’s a regular encyclopedia of information about the issues that demand his attention. And he tells it like it is.

Consider: “No matter how much religious zealots want it to be so, our nation was not founded on biblical principles…” Or, “After the national convention, it seems to me that the Republicans are getting so desperate that they are scraping the bottom of the scare barrel.” And, “To turn around and claim that tax deduction for those making more would create jobs is beyond stupidity.” Add, “I’m getting sick and tired of people writing about ‘socialism’ without having the slightest idea of what the word means.” One of my favorites: “Sarah Palin urges voters to go for Newt Gingrich in Florida. Thanks, Sarah, but I had no idea you were working for the Democrats, although you have done a lot for them in the past – just by opening your mouth.” Get the idea?

Whether you agree with Jorg or not, share his political inclination, religious beliefs, or thoughts about social issues, reading “Dear Editor” will get your juices flowing and may even motivate you to titillate editors with some opinions of your own.

Whether you write letters to editors, read letters to the editor, would like to compose letters, or simply ponder about various issues, this book is bound to engage you and make you think. It may even help you better understand the opinion that others have taken.

Doug Jett – Freelance writer:
“Dear Editor & Beyond” by Jorg Aadahl is both serious and funny, and above all entertaining and thought provoking. I can’t imagine anyone not finding something here to agree with, as well as disagree!
You’ll get a thrill out of the way this author calls out low-info writers stuck in outdated perspectives.
What a treasure chest to send as a gift to those you know will agree with you on certain subjects – not to mention those who will disagree and whom you might like to tease a little…even enrage!
If you don’t have an opinion on something, you’ll find one here! And if you already do, you’ll find solid arguments pro and con from this very opinionated author!

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