A dilemma of Republican proportion

Now what do they do, when House Republicans are in charge and don’t have Democrats as easy target anymore? Republicans had easy targets while they could just sit back and be negative, with no concern for the country at large; or world peace for that matter.

The chaos we expected began right away, where Republican representatives can’t even agree on a speaker of the House, and for good reasons, I’d say. They don’t even have anyone competent. And whoever they’ll eventually compromise on, would be a joke compared to Nancy Pelosi, who set a new standard for successful House speakerships. 

Without a platform, no program, and no constructive ideas, what can misplaced Republicans do? Cooperate with Democrats is of course out of question for Republicans, no matter how much that would benefit the country. Empty slogans like “lower taxes”, “family values”, and “personal freedom” don’t fool many anymore, except for the most gullible, like Trump supporters, forever educationally immune. 

Then again, what else can we expect from a cult that doesn’t even want the truth about who was behind the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, the worst insurrection and threat to our democracy since the Civil War? How unpatriotic and un-American can you be, and still call yourself anything but a traitor?

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