Without George W. Bush, who was EC-selected with only minority primary votes, we would probably not have attacked Afghanistan and Iraq, two unnecessary, unwinnable wars we are still paying dearly for. 9/11 may also have been avoided with a more capable and alert president like Al Gore, instead of Bush, who ignored all warning signs and fired gays busy translating intercepted messages about the pending attacks. Justice Sandra Day O’Connor regretted that she cast the deciding vote when SCOTUS decided the outcome of the 2000 election. How arbitrary can a presidential election be?!

Putin hadn’t learned that if you start a war, you will lose it, like we have been doing. Hitler lost religion-inspired WWII, as Putin’s similarly inspired Ukraine war will, regardless how much Trump inspired and emboldened the insane dictator, calling him a genius for attacking Ukraine. Trump declared that he trusts Putin more than “his own” security agencies, while holding back vital help to pressure President Zelenskyj to find dirt on Hunter! How bewildered can you be? Whether or not Russia interfered with the 2016 election, it should be obvious that any foreign adversary would prefer someone as easily fooled and manipulated as minority-selected Trump, instead of majority elected president, educated and trained for the job. No doubt Putin wanted his loyal supporter Trump to “win” again, with hitherto unknown Russian interference in 2020.

Hitherto unknown is also if Trump gave Putin secret documents!

Without evangelical-supported EC-selected Republican WH inhabitants like Bush and Trump, the US Supreme Court wouldn’t have been so Catholic-infested as it is today! Think about it!

Elections have consequences! Minority decided selections have dire consequences.

Let me remind those of you who haven’t yet purchased my book, “Dear Editor & Beyond”, that it is still  available for $11.50 at www.Amazon.com. It may be ordered from anywhere in the world.

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