UKRAINE Responsibility?

How much are we to blame for the Ukraine disaster? More than we like to admit, I’m afraid!

First of all, Trump’s insane praise and admiration for Putin must have emboldened and even encouraged him! That there was Russian attempt at helping Trump in 2016, seems to be obvious, and why not? In all likelihood, attempts were made in 2020 as well, with Putin perhaps banking on Trump “winning” again, which would have secured far less resistance to his longer range plans of restoring the old Sovjet Union. Trump even called Putin a genius for attacking Ukraine, although probably not quite as “stable genius” as he calls himself.

Then we have his “perfect” phone call with Ukrainian President Zellinskyj, pressuring him to dig up dirt on Hunter Biden, while holding back most needed funds approved by Congress! How dirty, irresponsible and selfish can you get, – not to mention sneaky and low-life?

Again, we must ask, if anything would have been different without Trump in the WH, a job he was ill prepared for, not educated for, and completely unqualified for. And of course, without the outdated Electoral College, neither Bush jr. nor Trump would ever have been selected, with only a minority backing. And, we wouldn’t have set such a horrible example for the rest of the world as we did by letting Bush attack Afghanistan and Iraq, for no good reason, and partly based on lies!

And what about the secret one-to-one meetings Trump had with Putin, with no one else in attendance, and no records or reports? What did they agree on? As naïve and easy to fool as Trump is, it isn’t impossible that he assured Putin about no interference if he took aim at Ukraine!

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Ray Fowler
Ray Fowler
1 year ago

Jorg, have you considered posting any original material?

Mike Caggiano
Mike Caggiano
1 year ago
Reply to  Jorg Aadahl

Hey guys just dropped into Jorg’s happy opinion site. I don’t think any of us are privy to any exclusive info but rather glean what we all can from various sources we deem reliable. I actually think Putin had no expectations of Trump other than annoying the status quo between Democrats and Republicans which have only minor differences when it comes to military desires for ‘Full Spectrum Dominance” with the US the big dog around the globe. Under Trump’s watch the Us commenced the transfer of lethal aid to Ukraine. The continued goading in Russia went on unabated regardless of our chief executive in the oval office. I have the Chinese proposal if you guys are interested. It’s pretty general and calls for working towards a ‘gradual ceasefire’ what ever the hell that is. Anyhow it’s the first intelligent approach from a jamor player. Tune in.
Cheers all, Mike C.

Al Ward
Al Ward
1 year ago

Jorg, please explain how Trump tried to weaken NATO.
I only recall that he denounced allies for failing to contribute 2% of GDP, as they had previously agreed to do in 2006.
Please enlighten your faithful readers.
Al Ward

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