The Fake FOX

Finally, Fox News has been forced to admit that they didn’t believe it either, Trump’s big lie about the 2020 election rigged against him. Not a single honest, intelligent person would ever claim such nonsense. But the Fox hosts did it without shame, knowing that their audience would gobble it all up, without thinking, exposing the intellectual quality of their viewership.

Trump’s big lie was not only rejected by the courts, going against all available evidence, supported by none, but also extremely illogical, – which of course isn’t something that would bother most Fox viewers. If a foreign adversary wanted to interfere with the election, of course, they would do whatever they could in Trump’s favor, not against him! Anyone against us would certainly prefer Trump, so easily fooled and manipulated, and one who publicly praised dictator Putin in Helsinki in 2018, stating that he would trust him more than our own intelligence agencies! If anything, the 2016 election was probably rigged somewhat in Trump’s favor, which is also what the Mueller report suggested, before then AG Bill Barr lied about it.

And let’s not forget how out of options Trump was! He is certainly not among the brightest, but not too dumb not to understand what might happen to him without presidential protection. As we have seen lately, his crimes and misdeeds are crashing down on him, probably far worse than even he could ever imagine.

Finally, it is quite ironic, that among the very few examples found of individual voter fraud, most were done by Republicans, voting for dead relatives! Quite a party, with nothing to offer but lies and opposition to anything and everything Democrats are trying to do for the country!

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