This enormously interesting and wealthy country called The Unites States of America, has had, and still has, so much to offer the rest of the world. Let me just mention some of the gifts, like its nature, scenic wonders and desirable vacation spots, music, movies, arts, literature, science, inventions, technology, medicine and medical breakthroughs, sports, Nobel Prizes, Peace Corp, Doctors without Borders, a melting pot that attracts the best from all over the world, – and vital help to fight Nazism and help ending World War II.

A model for the rest of the world, I would assume, an example to follow in every respect!

No, far from that! We are not what we could, and should, be! So, what went wrong? The answer to WWW is RRR, – Racism, Republicanism and Religion, and a combination of these three Rs running rampant!


Racism has always been with us and is still running rampant in this country, lately more so among Republicans, who over the years have become more like the old Democrats of the old South. As described somewhere else in my book, “Dear Editor & Beyond” (p. 77), even a Nordic white like me has been taken for a “nigger” and been exposed to racism, from people of the Republican persuasion. Blacks, colored people, and Asians are still not treated as equals with the rest of us, encountering deliberate difficulties when trying to execute their constitutional rights, like voting, in some Republican controlled areas. Even black history, so important to understand and remember, is being banned in certain Republican states, – partly to hide the atrocities done by white Christians against our black brothers and sisters. The same thing with books perceived as exposing colored stories, are banned. Yes, there’s a lot to be ashamed of, but to hide history, forget it, and risk repeating? That’s outright stupid!

It isn’t all that long ago when black people weren’t even allowed to learn to read, not to mention acquire more basic education. Even in the 60’s I remember how outraged even white women in the South were when some black girls finally were admitted to higher education, shouting, and making fun of them. The poor black girls needed the National Guard for protection!

That’s not a good example for the world.


The last two Republican occupants of the White House, which I reluctantly refer to as “presidents”, namely Bush jr. and Trump, were not backed by the majority of the voters. They made it only thanks to the long since outdated Electoral College. Both ruined the economy and left a mess for the succeeding Democratic presidents, Obama and Biden. Ignoring advice from his predecessor and warning signs, Bush let 9/11 happen, and then led us into totally unnecessary, unwinnable wars in the Middle East, causing irreparable damage. In addition to all his blatant mistakes during his 4 years in the WH, Trump tore down respect for our government, gave Russian dictator Putin support and encouragement, and made it obvious for the world that he trusted Putin more than our own intelligence agencies! Hard to assess the importance of Trump’s support when Putin decided to attack Ukraine, while we may never know which top secrets Trump may have passed on to Putin and others after he stole those documents when he parted the WH. Besides being a compulsive liar that can never be trusted, he showed himself as a sorry excuse for a man, bragging about his p-grabbing and that he could remember 5 simple words, – making him a despicable laughingstock across the globe. Still millions of Republicans wanted to re-select him! Fortunately for us all, Trump lost in 2020, while he still claims he won by a landslide, despite all evidence to the contrary, numerous lawsuits he lost, and good, old fashion logic and common sense.

With no platform, plan or worthwhile ideas on their own, Republicans have now resorted to doing their best to tear down Democratic governments, with no holds barred. They even oppose Democratic initiated programs they had tried, but failed to implement themselves. Tearing down Democratic presidents, seems to be on top of their agenda, with no regard for how much better we all were under the leadership of the last two Democrats in particular, who both inherited a royal mess from their Republican predecessors. How can Republicans, even some of the few brighter ones left, believe that it is in their own best interest to promote incompetent, so-called Republicans, and do their best to destroy anything and everything Democrats do, – and even threaten election workers and their families? And to appeal to the uneducated masses of voters, with false allegations, just to stay in power?  We have even seen Holocaust deniers speaking at Republican conventions, – not to mention QAnon followers and other conspiracy theorists holding powerful, Republican positions!

And we should not forget a problem we are still struggling with, ordinary civilians being allowed to own and run around with assault weapons designed for war, just because the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution has conveniently been misinterpreted by the gun-lovers. Unfortunately, a comma was inappropriately used instead of a more precise “and”, resulting in an untold number of unnecessary deaths, including hundreds of school children cut down by disturbed individuals who should never have been allowed near any kind of weapon.

That’s not a good example for the world.


Both racism and republicanism are closely tied in with religion, and thus made far more powerful and dangerous.

Although secularism is increasing in this country, ever so slowly, we are far behind the more progressive countries that long since have realized that religions are fantasies, based on made-up story books.  There is no manlike figure high up in the sky, watching us! While Republican president Bush the elder said that he didn’t think that Atheists should even be citizens, even today politicians must hide their lack of belief in order to attract enough voters, while neither Bush nor Trump would have been selected to offices way over their heads, without evangelical support. Evangelicals flocked to Trump when he shamelessly lied and presented himself as a “true Christian”, – whatever that means. Bush jr. attacked Afghanistan and Iraq because “God” told him so! How dangerously suspicious can you be, with massive support from equally superstitious, uneducated, and misinformed masses!

And now the US Supreme Court is saturated with so-called Catholics, who on behalf of a party referring to themselves as promoters of freedom, they have taken away one of women’s most fundamental rights, namely, to be in charge of their own body, the right to safe abortions when needed, for their very own, personal reasons.

There should be no doubt that religion in this country has helped both racism and republicanism, – as well as blatant stupidity, while sanctioning dishonesty! QAnon nonsense is running as rampant as any other religion, Mega churches are thriving, “In God we trust” is still being printed on our money, Congress has prayer breakfasts and other events supporting superstition, and the original, unifying Pledge of Allegiance still contaminated with the “under God” that was added in the 1950s, allegedly to fight “godless” communism, – with the latest dictator now embraced by Republicans!

Especially the combination of Racism, Republicanism and Religion is running rampant!

That’s not a good example for the rest of the world.

Ps.: This will be a Synopsis at the end of an upgraded, expanded edition of my book “Dear Editor & Beyond”. Anything I have forgotten, that you feel should be included or expanded upon?

Anything in Republican defense?

If accepted, your contribution will be cited in the new edition of my book, credited to you. Could be a nice gift to family and friends, as well as any Republican you think may need some basic, remedial education, with your name listed among the contributors!

Let me know, please!

Jorg Aadahl

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