Shame on insurrectionist Donald J. Trump for being so dishonest, dishonorable, egocentric, selfish, and outright stupid, including even childish attacks on his prosecutors, doing their jobs in the best interest of the country.

Shame on those who still support Trump, for trying to explain away all his wrongdoings, for their “whataboutism”, and lies about Trump’s critics. How is it possible to be so incredibly dumb, – or is it just stupid dishonesty?

Shame on the minority who wanted to re-select Trump, despite all the damage he did during his first term.

Shame on those who elected him in the first place, despite his total lack of experience, his very limited intellect, all his bankruptcies, rape allegations and racism, his p-grabbing habits and excessive bragging, – all very obvious to the majority and the better educated.

Shame on those who resist abolishing the Electoral College, which was shaky and a compromise from the beginning, resulting in the opposite of what was intended, since it leaves minority voters in every state without impact on the outcome!

Shame on those who gave us the last two minority-selected, disastrous Republican administrations, under Bush Jr. and Trump, and who hadn’t learned from the first WH misplacement. Nor have they understood, nor do they seem to care, that the GOP has nothing of value to offer anymore, no program, no platform, no ideas to benefit the country and make us more of the example for the rest of the world that we should, and could, be. Instead, they send us back to conservative darkness. With nothing to offer, the Republican cult instead obstructs the Democrats every which way they can, setting a very bad example for the World!

This raises the troubling question: W-W-W: What Went Wrong?

The answer, R-R-R: Racism-Religion-Republicanism, – is further explained and elaborated on in my book “Dear Editor & Beyond”, especially in the 2nd edition, available as both e-Book and inexpensive paperback from

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