Why on flat Earth couldn’t the FBI imagine what could happen on January 6, 2021? There wasn’t only handwriting on the walls, but clear signs everywhere that something awful was being planned and about to happen. All was ignored, with catastrophic results when the Trump-encouraged mob stormed the Capitol. They couldn’t imagine that something like that could, or would, happen?

Why couldn’t more people, as well as the authorities, imagine what might, and even would, happen, with someone like Trump in the Oval Office? Was it really that hard, to imagine what was just about given, with someone as unqualified, uneducated, and selfish as Trump? Isn’t it a duty for those in charge, to imagine, even the unimaginable? Especially Republicans are very good at imagining religious nonsense, so what not apply it to reality?

Why wasn’t 9/11 imagined, especially with all the dots, ready to be connected by someone with authority and imagination? Even Republican National security adviser Condoleezza Rice said afterwards: “How could anyone imagine that someone would steel our airplanes and run them into our buildings?” That was your job, Condoleezza, to imagine what could happen, especially after the first attack on the World Trade Center! Even the Japanese used airplanes, as live bombs during WWII, except they made their own planes and didn’t have to steel ours!

What will be the next catastrophe that one could not “imagine”?

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