Besides his habitual lying, cheating and stealing, destruction of the US presidency and all the damage he has managed to cause, including a world record Covid deaths second to none, Donald Trump’s total lack of sexual morality is among his worst, – at least in my mind. Think about the example he sets, by his multiple rapes, forcible kissing, groping and completely unacceptable behavior towards women, – just because he felt he could! In more polite company, such behavior is considered the epitome of unmanly behavior. Where I come from, a boy doing that to a girl would be beaten up mercilessly, – and shunned by all!
Even women-hating evangelicals must be pretty deranged to accept such behavior, – even though Trump helped them strip women of one of their most sacred rights, to be in control of their own bodies!
And now he is dumb enough to make his court cases even worse, by attacking prosecutors, DAs, and everyone else in sight! His post ‘If you go after me, I’m coming after you’ sparks new court motions, of course. He couldn’t see that coming?

Trump’s escalating threats of violence and spiraling out of control leave more questions than answers, – except why in the world do the Republicans still support him? Trump is the best they can come up with, – while lacking program, platform and any useful, worthwhile ideas?
Who could sink lower than Trump, – except voting for a low-life like that?
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