Dr. Anthony Fauci’s “On Call” biography and TV-interviews show what an outstanding, unselfish human being this almost 80-year-old physician has been throughout his life!  He has been the top infectious-disease advisor in the US for almost 40 years. His contributions have saved countless lives from HIV/AIDS, Ebola, Zika and Sars-Covid, a lasting gift to humanity! Under President George W. Bush, he helped design the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS relief (PEPFAR), a global program launched in 2003 to provide HIV treatment, especially in Africa, one of Dr. Fauci’s most impactful accomplishments and one and only action that George W. Bush can be proud of; however, only possible with Dr. Fauci’s help, saving millions of lives, for which he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2008!

And then, what happened? In 2020 Dr. Fauci came under fire by then President Trump, dissatisfied with Fauci’s scientific solution competing with his own imbecilic approach to such a serious threat to the world as the SARS-Covid epidemic, costing countless additional lives. Trump tried to silence him by preventing him from speaking publicly and hinted he might fire him, although not easy, since Fauci was a civil Government servant, not a political appointee, – obviously a bit hard to understand for someone as dumb as Trump. As a result, Fauci received death threats against himself, wife and 3 daughters, requiring federal guards to secure his safety, while clueless Republicans in the House made fun of him, taunting him, exposing their own childish stupidity! What about a much-needed stupidity vaccine, Dr. Fauci, as your last, much needed gift to mankind? Why the Right-wing resistance against vaccines? Because Trump said so? Have the braindead MAGA-hatters forgotten what vaccinations did for several sicknesses, like diphtheria, smallpox, polio and others? Probably not that highly educated.

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