Kent Lauder’s superb guest perspective, «War on Science» (Daily Journal, July 23) brought out the most science challenged commentators in the on-line edition. They seemed very eager to expose their total lack of not only understanding, but disrespect for scientists who do so much good work for all of us, and the world at large. It is mind boggling how ignorant some can be, even bragging about their lack of even the most basic understanding of long-standing scientific facts. Totally uneducated, or what?

These are clear examples of the well-known Dunning Kruger Effect, meaning that some people are simply too stupid to understand how stupid they are. But of course, they won’t understand that! Dr. Anthony Fauci’s book “On Call” gives us a shocking insight into what a scientist like him, credited with saving millions of people from pandemics, including Covid-19 and the like, are being haunted by people threatening to kill both him, his wife and daughters, in addition to burning down their house. The book also shows how ignorant his boss at the time, Donald Trump was, resulting in vaccination delays and countless unnecessary deaths, far more than comparative countries.

The ignoramuses waste no time bragging about their lack of knowledge and understanding every opportunity they can cook up, – while blindly voting for someone they can identify with, like Trump! No wonder Republicans are against education, although they all benefit from the work done by educated people, – even scientists like Dr. Fauci!

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