The United States and China — the world’s two largest economies — have struck a historic deal to fight climate change.
That’s the kind of global leadership by President Obama we can all be proud of!
But, what a sick joke to put a high profile climate change and science denier like Republican Senator James Inhofe from
Oklahoma in charge of the relevant Committee for Environment and Public Works!
That’s like putting a convicted criminal in charge of FBI, or a high school dropout in charge of the Education Department.
Or, heaven forbid, Republicans in charge of Congress!
Or like putting Jonathan Gruber in charge of The Executive Branch Dept. of Candor and Transparency. Oh, I forgot, President Obama already did that.
Those stupid voters that Gruber refers to include the few Democrat members of the congress who are not flaming progressives but who were bamboozled into voting for . But Democrats in congress are not all stupid, you’ll remember that a Senator from Nebraska and one from Louisiana had to be bribed to get them to vote for Obama Care. Bribed with taxpayer money of course (the press referred to the bribe deals as the Cornhusker Kickback and the Louisiana Purchase.
The wonderful and historic USA/China climate change agreement has all the substance of the fatuous campaign slogan “Hope and Change”. The Chinese will have to do something before they all strangle on their own smog, but giving credit for that to Obama, recipient of the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize is as silly as awarding him that prize was.
The statutes of the Nobel Peace Prize state that the prize is awarded to encourage peace movement and a world more receptive to the idea of more friendly solutions to world problems, acknowleging that no peace is necessarily secured forever. As a high profile spokesman for ending ongoing conflicts and negotiations and international cooperation to avoid future wars, President Obama fully deserved the honor and has lived up to his ideal.