While “High School” is a misnomer in international terms, American HS does not provide much preparation for higher studies. Math and science are kept at a very low level in order not to lose too many challenged by such scary subjects, at the expense of those who would thrive.

“Gymnasium” is a term in various European languages for a secondary school preparing students for higher education at university level, split into various lines of focus. For those intending to study engineering, or interested in any kind of science, there is a special line with heavy emphasis on math and science, at a level too high for most. These subjects are further supported by astronomy, biology and chemistry, in addition to history and geography. Besides the two national languages in Norway, English, German and French are mandatory in the science line, while languages are even more emphasized in the English line, where also some math is taught. In addition, you may have a Latin and various commercial lines of study.

Internationally, the term “High” is reserved for higher learning, i.e. at the University level, like “Hochschule” in German, which has nothing to do with the American term, which instead is referred to as “Gymnasium”, meaning a preparatory level before higher learning at college or university level. Imagine the confusion, if a German immigrant with top “Hochschule” degree applying for a job, is perceived as just a HS graduate!

From an acquaintance who grew up under the Canadian educational system, I have learned that it pretty much resembles the Northern European system, with some gymnasium level line specialization. Lucky him!

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