What in the world has happened to the Republicans’ Grand Old Party?

Why is twice impeached, criminally suspected, lying, single term Donald Trump still their uncontested leader, – who even dictates what his underlings shall think, believe, and do?!

On top of everything, Trump is a security risk, thoroughly fooled by dictator Putin, whom he blindly believed instead of our own intelligence agencies, one he held private conversations with, without witnesses or documentation, a religious war monger he called a smart genius for attacking and demolishing the non-threatening nation Ukraine!  Poorly educated, with so bad grades that he had to threaten lawsuits against anyone daring to expose his miserable academic record, Trump is so dumb that he brags publicly about being able to remember five simple words, claiming that the testers were utterly impressed by his performance! And so are his followers!

And how on flat Earth can the religious evangelicals accept such a lousy, moronic role model, someone bragging about being a p-grabber, a twice divorced, accused rapist?

While in office, Trump surrounded himself with incompetents and criminals, many of whom he pardoned before leaving the office he was so totally unqualified for.

So treasonous and selfish that he instigated the Jan. 6 insurrection in a desperate effort to save himself from losing presidential protection against all his wrong-doings, which top Republicans correctly condemned right after it happened, then retracted once Trump had told them what to say about it,  calling the destructive mob attack a “Legitimate political discourse”, an attack that resulted in several deaths, multiple serious injuries, $30 million in structural damage to the Capitol, and incalculable cost to the nation at large, – not to mention world reputation!

And the majority of Republicans want to re-elect this guy? Imagine what free hands Putin would have had with Trump still in office, perhaps even pulled us out of NATO. Don’t Republicans understand anything anymore? And now they are installing all kinds of voter restrictions in an effort to get Trump back in 2024! Trump is the best they can find? Instead, they tear down President Biden every which way they can, with compact obstruction and stupid attacks. How’s that for patriotism?

Finally, how dumb does one have to be, to believe Trump’s big lie about an election stolen from him, without a fiber of evidence, and against all logic, common sense, and evidence to the contrary. If anything, there may have been votes rigged in his favor, like what in all likelihood was the case in 2016. Isn’t it enough that some 74 million voters, obviously not very bright and easily fooled, didn’t have the foggiest idea of what they were doing? As if it wasn’t enough that Trump even managed to mess up the Covid response, which resulted in a much worse situation, with numerous unnecessary deaths.

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