What on Earth is the reason for all this persistent hatred of Jews? Throughout history, all over the world, antisemitism persists, and why? Even in this country, hoodlums march through cities with torches, shouting “Jews will not replace us!” As if Jews haven’t suffered enough, with Holocaust killing millions of people who could have been major contributors to society, like Jews have always been, both in science, music, arts, medicine, literature and other areas.
Are today’s Jews still being punished for having invented religion thousands of years ago? Judaism was the first more or less organized religion, leading to invention of Christianity, which again led to the creation of Islam, – all of which may not have happened with the Jewish forerunner, and all the misery religion has caused through centuries, and still does. Today’s Jews shouldn’t be blamed for what their forefathers created thousands of years ago. Without religion’s powerful grip on the American population, neither George W. Bush Jr., nor Donald J. Trump, would ever have made it into the WH, although they barely squeezed in thanks to the Electoral College, which makes it possible to select incompetent presidents with minority votes.
So, what’s the reason for this persistent antisemitism? Is it the need for the small-minded to have someone to look down on and feel superior to? Or what could it possibly be?
Can someone explain it, please?

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Ray Fowler
Ray Fowler
11 months ago


You might want to update the latest post to your blog site titled, “Antisemitism – Why?”

Judaism was not “the first more or less organized religion.” That distinction should probably be attributed to Hinduism. Additionally, Judaism did not lead to the “invention of Christianity” as you have suggested. Christ’s followers, about two thousand years ago, established the Christian church based on a belief that Jesus of Nazareth embodied the Old Testament prophecies of a messiah. Even though devout Jews acknowledge Christ as an influential rabbi, they do not accept him as the Messiah mentioned in their ancient texts. The appearance of Christianity did not lead to the creation of Islam. That faith was inspired by Muhammad and a devotion to Abrahamic prophets who lived a thousand or more years before Christ’s ministry.

Your post primarily focused on antisemitism, and you asked, “Can someone explain it, please?” It’s a great question with no single easy answer. In ancient times, mistreatment of Jews was commonly based on ethnic differences. European antisemitism has its roots in religious differences, but today, you will find discrimination against Jews based on racial differences as well as political reasons.

The Hamas incursion into Israel in early October 2023 was despicable and must be condemned in the strongest terms. While the horrors of the Holocaust were perpetrated by the most extreme far right ideology the world has ever seen, today’s slaughter of Jews is supported by the other side of the political spectrum. You ask why do we have antisemitism? At a minimum, it is hatred based on age old cultural differences that is now being played out in the political arena.

Hate speech may be offensive but it is permitted. That being said, should Americans condemn the justification of Hamas’ actions on college campuses? Should there be legal action against leftists calling for the murder of Jews?

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