All you need, is to call yourself Republican, and you’re accepted as a valuable member of the cult, no matter what!

Nothing else matters, not what you do, have done, say or threaten to do, if given the chance. If you’re a “Republican”, anything goes. Doesn’t matter if everything you’ve started goes bankrupt, nor if you have a reputation for cheating people, nor does it matter if you’re a compulsive braggart, liar, racist, or rapist. It doesn’t even seem to matter even if you’re a multiple time convicted criminal! The Republican label is enough!

It doesn’t even matter if you have stolen governmental property, like top classified secret documents, if you have tried to hide them or shared such with unauthorized others, or fraternized with known enemies and even declared that you have greater confidence in an adversary than our own agencies. Nor does it seem to matter if you’ve promised to turn our democracy into a dictatorship, if given the chance! Now, Republicans even find it perfectly OK when he desperately tries to get out of a debate with Kamala Harris, – just because he is smart enough to be scared by that public confrontation, – which in all likelihood would be very embarrassing for him, – and his supporters.

So, what on Earth is wrong with Republicans, besides painting themselves as such, – and being so incredibly naive? Even Evangelicals flock like sheep behind a Republican who waves a bible upside-down, declaring himself a Christian, who promises that once in the WH, he will fix everything, so they don’t need to vote ever again!

Did something change when Barack Obama was elected President, as our first black leader? He won with solid majority vote, twice, after 8 disastrous years under Republican Bush, who among numerous mistakes, started two unnecessary, unwinnable mid-East wars, which we subsequently lost, which is usually the outcome for countries that start wars. Top Republicans immediately declared that everything Obama would try, would be sabotaged, no matter what it might be! Was that because he was black, a Democrat, or a dangerous combination of both, – like what we are now facing with Kamala Harris? Too much for Republicans, afraid of another embarrassingly successful, black Democratic in the WH?

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