How destructively arbitrary elections of the US President have become! Shouldn’t the election of the holder of the most powerful and prestigious office in the world be based on more complete information and careful forethought, to avoid regrets and costly lawsuits after the damage is done?

Some points to support my claim of arbitrariness, and necessary Electoral College abolishment:

George W. Bush, Jr. was EC-selected in 2000, helped by the SCOTUS, with Sandra O’Connor the deciding vote. She later regretted it, wishing she had voted otherwise. If so, we would have elected majority-supported Al Gore, and thus possibly avoided both 9/11, and two unnecessary, unwinnable, disastrous wars in the Mid-East, which also upset some slight counterbalance between Iraq and Iran.

What difference would it have made, if the Access Hollywood video, prostitute silencing payoffs, Trump’s bankruptcies, rapes, criminality, and cheating, and that he was far from a successful businessman, had been better known before the 2016 election, instead of endless lawsuits afterwards?

What if FBI director James Comey hadn’t published his Hillary Clinton e-mail statement just before the election, found baseless afterwards?

And for anyone disagreeing with the wisdom of abolishing the EC, read Yale University History Professor Timothy Snyder’s book “The Road to Unfreedom”, where he explains why the EC should be abolished as a destructive compromise, which even the framers disagreed on. If you still don’t get it, explain why and how you disagree with such a highly respected historian and multiple NY-bestseller author.

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