Why on Earth are military style assault weapons even allowed in the public sector? Their sole purpose is to kill as many as possible, as quickly as possible, and should not be used against any living creature, 2- or 4-legged. To claim they are for self defense, is pure idiocy! Same for someone who just “likes” to have such weapons around, – for the sheer pleasure of owning a dangerous toy. Not a good enough excuse, besides incredibly childish. Such weapons should be banned totally, no ifs or buts about it, and regardless of the brand name attached.

Of course, people can be killed , singularly or in masses, by other weapons or means of mass destruction, but why not ban totally what we have seen over and over again are so easy to obtain and use by someone so socially unfit that he/she decides to kill innocent people en masse? Haven’t we seen enough? Let’s listen to the wise words just issued by our President Obama, – the only responsible and presidential leader we have had for quite a while, – and not someone who encourages weak-minded, deranged morons to help him “Drain the Swamp”! How dumb can a so-called leader be, – and how uninformed, gullible and easily fooled do you have to be to support someone like that?

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