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A common man’s (not so common) opinion
by Jorg Aadahl
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Abortion Rights = Personal Freedom
During a recent visit to Kaiser, the nurse told me that she was reading the
first edition of my book, and that she found it fascinating, especially what I
wrote about abortion rights, and that there were other nurses interested as
well. But, she told me, it disturbed her husband, who wanted the lights out
and go to sleep, while she was still reading in bed. Certainly not my intention
to cause marital trouble because of my book, – quite the opposite!
There is a simple solution to the issue of abortion: If you’re against
it, don’t have one yourself!
The vast majority of women are for abortion rights, a personal
freedom that should neither be controlled by a religious, male
dominated minority, nor by the states or the Government.
And now, after almost half-a-century, Republicans are trying to get
their most important objective passed, using a minority supported,
Catholic infested Supreme Court, including the Trump-selected who
lied their way in, to deny women the right to control their own body!
What a sick obsession with women’s bodies and their right to selfcontrol! Not even little girls, impregnated by relatives, religious
“leaders” or others, should be allowed abortions, as if being raped
wasn’t bad enough.
The sex-obsessed religious nuts won’t be satisfied until all forms of
contraception are banned, and Coitus Interruptus classified as a
crime with severe punishment!
This is an issue too important to be left to the states to decide. It is
a humanistic life concern with wide reaching implications. Let’s
leave all the wrongs done to the dark ages, and not go back. Once
men are out of the risk of being mutilated after birth by totally
unnecessary circumcision, and in control of their own bodies,
women deserve the same right. And, let’s not forget, that in addition
to all the more or less recognized rapes, there’s a lot of “rapes”
taking place within the confines of marriage or other relationships,
where wives or girlfriends are being misused. And the women
should be punished with the additional burden of carrying an
unwanted fetus to terms? How cruel and inconsiderate! Happens all
the time!
Catholic Justice Alito proclaimed that there is no mentioning of
abortion rights in the US Constitution! Any other women’s rights
mentioned in that male-based document? Any? So what?
For the sake of the country, let’s hope that this idea backfires on the
perverts who initiated it.
Finally, the most likely source for the “leak”, is Ginny Thomas, who
may very well have gotten the draft from her not-so-very-bright
husband, the misplaced Justice Clarence Thomas.
Religious freedom, – to hate?
If there ever was any doubt, we now know what the lovable bunch
on the right mean by religious freedom, – namely their freedom to
control others, especially women, and especially when it comes to
what in their mind is such despicable, unnatural, and horrible thing
as sex, – especially when practiced by others!
The hysteria surrounding the August 1 implementation of affordable
and available contraceptives for women is pretty revealing of the
twisted mindset of the extremists on the right, without which the
Republicans wouldn’t have been able to choke Congress to an
unpatriotic and unconstitutional grinding halt of doing nothing but
obstructing the democratic process.
And for some of the lunatics way out on the right cliff to compare this
most necessary health care expansion with Pearl Harbor and 9/11,
is more than laughable. It is simply disturbing that people so far
removed from human values and common decency are given so
much political control. Isn’t it about time to cleanse politics for such
religious infestation and keep religion and government separate, as
the Founding Fathers clearly intended?
(Comment to Gill Gross, KGO Talk Show, 5/07/2008)
The ultimate form of superstition? PRAYER!!!
Atheism is not Communism!
(Comment to Brent Walters, KGO Talk Radio, 8/03/2008)
What nonsense to equate Atheism with Communism! Nothing in
common. Communism is more like another religion, except their
“god” is visible. Stalin himself was a rather religious man and wanted
monopoly, that’s why he outlawed other religions in competition with
his own. That didn’t mean that people became atheists! Atheism is
as far removed from Communism as it is from Christianity! If
anything, atheists as a group are more peaceful and better behaved
than religious people. Just look at who are causing trouble even
today! It is not the atheists, but the “faithful”.
Atheists among the best and brightest
(Comment to Brian Copeland, KGO Talk Show host, 12/13/2011)
Dear Brian,
Most top scientists, authors, artists, philosophers etc. are non-believers. Also, religiosity declines with increased educational level.
How would that translate into declining morality?
The notion that Atheists are less moral is just nonsense drilled into
impressionable heads at an early age. THAT’s dishonest and
Republicans: No respect for honesty, integrity, family values, human
rights, trustworthiness, or national security!
Republican leadership! The ultimate oxymoron!