Is that what they learn in all-male Catholic High Schools, that if you pray and ask forgiveness, you can clear your mind of any wrongdoing, forget it all, and go on with your life as if nothing had happened? And over again, and again. How convenient, and how disrespectful towards the victim(s)! The only one who is in a position to forgive you for any wrong doing, is your victim, – not a priest or anyone else, real or imaginary way up in the sky!
When I grew up in an essentially non-religious society, we learned that if you did something wrong, the only one in position to forgive you, was the victim of whatever you had done. No one else had that power. Rape was rare, and in my circles unknown. Forcing yourself upon a girl, was an absolute no-no. Girls were widely respected as equals, and the worst that could happen, was a girl slapping you if you treated her with disrespect. If that happened, a slapped guy would be shunned, both by girls and boys. That would be a mark that stuck for a very long time. The result was very open, respectful, non-violent, and not the least, memorable co-mingling.

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