Mentioned in early religious texts, including the Bible, it must have meant that God did a mistake when he made boys, a mistake that must be fixed ASAP by circumcising little boys. Never mind the little boys’ own lack of acceptance and the screaming in pain, even before they are old enough to understand that lasting damage being done to them! This is considered serious child abuse, with doctors refusing to do it even for religious immigrants, in the more progressive and less religiously infested countries, like Scandinavia.  Although slowly becoming less popular even here in the still rather religious US, it is still done routinely by parents who either don’t care, or don’t understand the serious implications, or who simply do it blindly for religious reasons. How many intact men want it done later in life, except for some rare medical reasons? No one in their right mind!

Even the Hippocratic Oath that declares “First, do no harm!”, – is being violated routinely by harming innocent little boys for life! Is this just another example of religion being harmful? Early religious indoctrination can be overcome, – but such surgical violation of a little person’s genitals is just another example of how harmful religion can be, and why such superstition has long since been abandoned in the more progressive and better educated countries. Are we such slow learners, that boys must pay dearly for it, for the rest of their lives, – while also indirectly affecting their later partners, girls and women?

To make it even more grotesque: The Jewish Mishnah Shabbat 19:2 requires suctioning a small amount of the blood form a boy’s penis. It is claimed that the suctioning is for health reasons, to remove the possibility of a child becoming infected. A mohel (ritual circumciser) must not omit the suctioning; if he does omit it, he risks being removed from his post. For centuries blood suctioning has been done by mouth. There have been cases where a mohel who did “metzitzah b’peh” (suctioning by mouth) transmitted a disease to the child. Of course this represents a grave danger, with some unfortunate children even dying from such religious intrusion.  Just another example of widespread religious nonsense.

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