In the current debate, the lesser informed tend to confuse Socialized Capitalism with Communism, – a common phenomenon in today’s somewhat bewildered political climate.  When “socialism” is advocated today, it doesn’t mean “Communism” or any kind of governmental take-over of all means of production and distribution. Communism is dying, and no one in his right mind would favor dictatorial conditions like we see in Venezuela, North Korea and other retrogressive countries. Even Russia has abandoned the communist idea!

We already have a free enterprise, somewhat “socialized” capitalistic system here in the US, – despite President Trump’s thoughtless efforts to tear down much needed protective regulations. What is advocated by “socialists”, is just a few steps further, with universal health care, better environmental protection, and enhanced worker and public welfare. All services deemed necessary for all, like infrastructure, defense and law and order, postal service, libraries and many others, are in reality “socialism”. More progressive countries, like the Scandinavian nations, have been able to combine a free enterprise, capitalistic system with greater concern for the environment and people’s health. Corporate profit is not the only goal in a well-regulated society, – it cannot, and should not, be pursued at the expense of people’s health and environmental protection. That’s where social considerations come in, for the benefit of all in the long run. We have something to learn from that happy corner of the world! Back to New Post

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