Credit where credit is due

To be fair, the top 2017 kudos should be split between Roy Moore for exposing the shallow
morality of the Christian Right, and Donald Trump for exposing the shallow soul of the Republican Congress. What an outstanding and unusual educational service to the public.

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Al Ward
Al Ward
7 years ago

Jorg, my Progressive friend, how could you be so absolutely wrong regarding “the shallow
morality of the Christian Right”?
Shallow? Shallow???
You really don’t understand commitment to religious principles, do you?

The support in Alabama for Roy Moore was the result of the amazing DEPTH of religious commitment by evangelicals which caused them to admire and support a man who had demonstrated his determination to protect religious rights by such actions as standing up to the US Govt. in defending the Ten Commandments monument at the AL Statehouse.
The Christian Right knows very well that a man with Moore’s Christian Values could not possibly have had ANYTHING immoral in mind as a 32 year old man who liked to date girls as young as 14.

Please, get your mind out of the gutter.
Raise it up to the immaculate standards by which Roy Moore is known by many in Alabama.

On the bright side, you can join the cheering of the Democrat Party as they look forward to Nov. 2018!
What a triumph for them in the AL special election.
Doug Jones, their man, was able to defeat (all be it by a very narrow margin) a non-repentant, self proclaimed pedophile!
That is apparently all that is needed for Democrats to win in Red States!

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