What’s the difference between the two camps? A lot! Democrats, by and large, want a leader better than themselves, someone who can lead, someone more intelligent and experienced, someone who can solve problems that appear impossible to most. They want someone to be proud of, with high morality and a clean record, with nothing to hide, setting a good example for others.  He should also be a world leader, someone the world respects and admires, – someone other leaders listen to, – just like President Obama.

And Trumpocrats?  As a group, they have shown themselves to pretty much wanting the opposite of a leader, someone more like themselves, someone not too educated or experienced, someone making mistakes they can identify with and feel better about.  Someone who makes it look OK to lie, demean others, cheat, – even on your taxes. They want a someone easy to live up to, without too hard work or sacrifices, – someone who can make their own lack of education and their own mistakes look more forgivable, – someone they can feel more in tune with, – someone not too preoccupied with facts, truth, logic or common sense. If you can mix it all up with some old-time religion to fool the gullible masses, even better! He shouldn’t be too rhetorical, but use simple words that are easy to understand, – and of course, make fun of the opposition and other people they like to dislike. He shouldn’t be too hung up on decent behavior or how to behave towards women, – if he gets away with it, power to him! If the rest of the world despise him and laugh at him, that’s even better! Finally, why should those with even less than us, get anything for free?  We worked hard for what we have, so why shouldn’t everybody? We have a right to believe whatever we like, – just like Donald J. Trump!

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Ray Fowler
Ray Fowler
4 years ago

Hello, Jorg

We have not exchanged ideas for a while. I read your “Democrats vs. Trumpocrats” letter and replied through the Journal. However, the impeachment process seemed to edge out a lot of other political discourse. Here’s what I wrote:

Dear, Jorg
You certainly sounded angry in your latest letter criticizing persons who do not share your political views. There’s an axiom in politics that says you should not disparage an opposing politician’s voters. Why? The backlash can be devastating. Secretary Clinton discovered this truism following her “deplorables” comment. However, it does not appear the lesson has been learned. Mayor Buttigieg recently suggested that President Trump supporters condone racism. It’s just not true, but unfortunately, labeling the “other side” as racist or sexist or xenophobic scores points in some political circles… and sadly… it continues. It’s what Dr. Martin Luther King described as “violence of the tongue.” The reality is this: such labeling promotes divisiveness. The same can be said when someone labels others as dishonest and uneducated. Jorg, there is no “other side.” There’s just us. Angry letters demeaning persons with different ideas and beliefs stands in the way of developing a meaningful dialog and acknowledging there is more that unites us than divides us. Let the candidates trade barbs, snubs and affronts… they have been doing so for more than 200 years, but let’s not get wrapped up in directing anger at each other. It’s neither productive nor healthy. Consider the words of Mark Twain, “Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.”

Ray Fowler
Redwood City, CA

Ray Fowler
Ray Fowler
4 years ago
Reply to  Jorg Aadahl

Anger is totally OK… it’s how we deal with it that counts. Remember Howard Beale’s line in the 1976 movie, “Network”? He said, “I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!” It was a call to action… get energized… roll your sleeves up and get busy. Democrats can do just that on November 3, and they can channel their anger into something positive. There is no percentage in getting angry with those who do not share your opinions. BTW… have you settled on a Democratic candidate that you feel best represents your party?

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