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As you may expect: Progressive, opinionated LTE’s, free to copy and/or modify and re-publish. Gun control, politics, religion, LGBT, War on Women, torture, Islam, terrorism, 9/11, healthcare, Planned Parenthood, taxation, job creation, human rights, circumcision, supreme court, secularism, US Constitution, social security, patriotism, Obamacare, presidential qualifications, Pat Tillman assassination, GOP’s future?

As one of several reviewers put it:

Whether you write letters to editors, read letters to the editor, would like to compose letters, or simply ponder about various issues, this book is bound to engage you and make you think. It may even help you better understand the opinion that others have taken.
“Dear Editor” by Jorg Aadahl is both serious and funny, and above all entertaining and thought provoking. I can’t imagine anyone not finding something here to agree with, as well as disagree!
You’ll get a thrill out of the way this author calls out low-info writers stuck in outdated perspectives.
What a treasure chest to send as a gift to those you know will agree with you on certain subjects – not to mention those who will disagree and whom you might like to tease a little…even enrage!
If you don’t have an opinion on something, you’ll find one here! And if you already do, you’ll find solid arguments pro and con from this very opinionated author!
Doug Jett

There is a wide gap between the vast majority of people who rarely say anything outside their own polite circle of family and friends, and the few who write books and articles about various topics, often expressing very strong opinions from one extreme to the other. In-between we have newspaper columnists and radio and TV personalities who express their opinion, also at times with one extreme position or another.

Letters to the Editor (LTE) serve an extraordinarily important function by letting the more or less common individual express an opinion, add insight, weed out misunderstandings, influence people, and help spread enlightenment, – or in many cases unfortunately, bigotry. Such letters fill the gap between the many who say nothing and books and articles too heavy and time consuming for most of us. It is amazing what can be expressed in a few words in a readers’ opinion section of a newspaper. Opinion letters are as close to grass roots as you can get. And, they do have an impact! Whether left-oriented, right-oriented, or des-oriented, the opinion page with LTE’s is often read with greater interest and by more people than the rest of the paper, – with the possible exclusion of the obituaries that older people seem to gravitate to.

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