FACTS: The last two Republican WH occupants were selected by the Electoral College, not by a majority vote, which means that fewer voters wanted those two, than the majority, who preferred someone else, namely Al Gore in 2000 and Hillary Clinton in 2016.


2000: George W. Bush Jr. let 9/11 happen, despite all warning signs, before lying us into two unnecessary, unwinnable wars, guided by an imaginary voice inside his head. Bush even found it necessary to halt the very promising stem cell research, a field in which we were a world leader, just to mention a few of his blunders.

2016: To summarize Donald J. Trump’s wrongdoings, would require a whole book. Among many written, perhaps none gets more intimate than Liz Cheney’s “Oath and Honor”, both because she was an insider of great power, and originally a Trump voter. While the concept of “infinite” is imaginary, we can not imagine all the damage caused by Trump, which we can safely say is infinite, which means impossible to measure or calculate!


And you don’t need to be much of a mathematician to know that anything divided by 0 amounts to infinite. Infinite is an imaginarily large number, and so is the cost of what Trump has done, and still does.

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