No question the 2016 election was rigged! Trump didn’t win the majority vote, but the outdated Electoral Collage rules rigged the outcome. Foreign interests may also have played a part, although neither proven nor disproven yet, but still under investigation. However, why wouldn’t an adversary, like Russia, prefer someone like Trump, so ready to be manipulated, and so easily fooled?

Then again, to jump to the conclusion that the 2020 election was rigged, – against the least qualified, who had already shown his incompetence through 4 devastating years, shows the insanity of Trump’s gullible followers. His loss was also greater than the last time, while his closest advisors had been telling him all along that he would lose. Trump himself was afraid of losing, but kept claiming that the election would be rigged, – months before! Both Trump himself, and the vast majority of Republicans, still claim they believe the big lie that he lost the election because somehow, it was rigged against him! Not a shred of evidence, while dozens of lawsuits have failed to show any kind of election fraud. On the other hand, some Republicans have been fined for voting for Trump on behalf of dead relatives! So typical of Republicans, to accuse others of what they are guilty of themselves.

Trump has a point, though, about stealing the election, which is exactly what he tried to do! Yet, despite his long experience as a thief, and despite his efforts, his attempt at stealing the 2020 election, failed, – fortunately for the country! Otherwise, how could he know beforehand, that the election would be stolen, unless he was behind it? And then he curses out foreign leaders for congratulating the winner, President Biden? How utterly childish and cry-baby like. And what an embarrassment for the country!

A year ago we had this horrible insurrectional attempt at overturning the election, still defended and partly explained away by Trump’s followers. Of course, the rather uneducated and unaccomplished will identify with Trump and gobble up his “steal” nonsense.  Are they simply that stupid, or just incredibly dishonest, or what? And now, at the 1-year anniversary for this horrible attack on our democracy, the big lie promoters are still at it, led by Trump himself! Will this nonsense ever end? Peacefully, or what?

What do they wish to accomplish, besides dumbing down the country even further?

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